Petrotrochus teremachii - 104mm, F+++, China. $110
A small family with some amazing large showy specimens. All members are deep water dwellers and are usually trawled or netted. They all have the unusual slit in the shell from the aperture opening. Only 26 species in this small family. rumphii is a spectacular big top, the size is amazing when hand held and is a must have specimen for the avid shell collector.
Being a deep water trawled species rumphii is rarely without faults with breaks and chips in the lip, slit, eroded spires, scars and worm eaten, common faults. A gem specimen is near impossible to obtain.
rumphi w/o - 230mm, F++ (perfect lip/slit), $3500
MONSTER SIZE!!! - sold
rumphi w/o - 191mm, F+++ (perfect lip/slit), $2,900 BIG SIZE, NEAR PERFECT!!! |
rumphi w/o - 173mm, F+++ (perfect lip/slit), $1,500 NEAR PERFECT, BEST COLOR!!! |
rumphi w/o - 150mm, F+++ (perfect lip/slit), $950 NEAR PERFECT, BEST COLOR!!!
rumphi w/o - 162mm, F+++ (perfect lip/slit), $1,200 NEAR PERFECT, SPECIAL COLOR!!! |
Petrotrochus teremachii - 85mm, F+++, China. $40 BEAUTIFUL, IRRIDESCENT COLORING!!! |
Pleuro. teremachii - 117mm, F++, Taiwan. $60 sold FANTASTIC PRICE!!! |
Pleuro. teremachii w/o - 114mm, F++, Taiwan. Near perfect lip/slit. $50 sold BIG BEAUTY!!! FANTASTIC PRICE!!! |
Pleurotomaria westralis - 103mm, F+++, Northern Territory, Australia. Great specimen of very good quality. $80 sold NORMALLY $120!!!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 61mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. $20 BRIGHT RED!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 72mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. $30 VERY LIGHT PATTERN!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 65mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. $15 BEAUT BRIGHT PATTERN!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 74mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. $25 VERY NICE SPECIMEN!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei - 92mm, F++, Taiwan. Beautiful color, nice size and very good condition for this species. $60 sold FANTASTIC QUALITY!!! BIG SIZE!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 98mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. Beaut colored specimen. $60 FANTASTIC PRICE!!! BIG BEAUTY!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 103mm dia, F++ (very minor faults only), China. Light color form. $70 sold BIG, BIG!!! |
Pleurotomaria hirasei w/o - 103.9mm, F++, Taiwan. Beautiful big light color specimen. $70 BIG!!! |
Pleutrotomaria hirasei (albino) - 72mm, F++, Taiwan, uncommon, unusual coloring with the pink spire and cream/white body. $80 BIG & GREAT QUALITY!!! |
#M021 Pleutrotomaria westralis - 105mm, F+++, Western Australia. $120 BEAUTIFUL COLOR & QUALITY!!! |
#M022 Pleutrotomaria westralis - 108mm, F+++, Western Australia. $120 BEAUTIFUL COLOR & QUALITY!!! |
#M023 Pleutrotomaria westralis - 100.7mm, F+++, Western Australia. $120 BEAUTIFUL COLOR & QUALITY!!! |
Pleutrotomaria rumphi w/o - 170mm, F++ (lip/slit excellent),Taiwan. Stunning color. $1200 sold NICE SPECIMEN!!! |
Pleutrotomaria rumphi w/o - 149mm, F++, (minor faults) ,Taiwan. $850 sold STUNNING SPECIMEN!!! EXCELLENT QUALITY!!! |
Pleutrotomaria salminana - 88.7mm dia. x 102mm high, F++, Taiwan. $950 sold BEST I've SEEN!!! |
Pleutrotomaria salminana - 79mm, F++, Taiwan. $750 A BEAUTY!!! |
Petrotrochus atlanticus -79.2mm, F++, Brazil. Very good quality for this species. $500 RARE SPECIES!!! |
Petrotrochus atlanticus - 82.8mm, F+, Brazil. $400 BIG!!! |
Petrotrochus atlanticus - 77.7mm, F+, Brazil. $300 NICE COLOR!!! |
Petrotrochus midas w/o - 83.6mm, F+++, Brazil. $3,500 withdrawn STUNNING SPECIMEN!!! EXTREMELY RARE!!! RARELY SEEN FOR SALE!!! |
Pleutrotomaria anseeuwi - 66.3mm, F++, Philippines. Excellent quality. $600 sold STUNNING SPECIMEN!!! BIG SIZE!!! |
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